Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 1

So, today is the official first day of my blog and I couldn't be more excited. First off I want to say wrapping up summer (in my opinion) is always hardest to thing do. You always start to dwell on the agonizing 9 months ahead asking the most annoying question.. "are we done yet?" Even though its senior year I still feel like the measly freshmen walking into school. Not to mention the drama already starting and school isn't even in session. But, on a happier note, this summer was FANTASTIC I became close to 3 new people and they're amazing,even if they don't know it. No matter what has happened this was still one I will remember. With everything coming to a close, and my birthday just passing I started to realize things..and even though I just turned 17 four days ago.. I feel like I grew a lot more as a person and Ive found myself wondering where this life of mine is going.. but until I figure that out we just have to take what life throws at us i guess. Until next time, stay classy bloggers.


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